Searching For The Perfect Tweet

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Let’s explore how to build the ultimate “Perfect Tweet” together; shall we?[tweetmeme source=”ileane”]

In order to be “the greatest” and go viral this tweet should:

  1. Go out at the best time of day
  2. Reach the perfect audience
  3. Get a high number of retweets for a blog link
  4. Gain new followers

That should do it for now. Once we’ve tested our techniques we can come back and modify the list later if need be.

Right Time

Twitter chart daytimes

Twitter Chart Times

Take a look at this graphic that demonstrates tweeting patterns based on time of day from Looks like Mondays and Fridays are peak times, but I suspect this is due to the increasing popularity of #musicmonday and #followfriday. Let’s avoid those days because we don’t want our tweet to get lost in the fray. Now, we have narrowed our choices down to Wednesday and Saturday. Since today is Tuesday, we’ll tweet on Wednesday around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. We can always send it again on Saturday if we want; although if this tweet goes off as planned, we won’t need to. When we are done, we’ll use HootSuite to schedule our tweet.

Right Followers

Now we can turn our attention to building an audience. If you don’t have many followers yet, this won’t happen overnight, but with the right tools having a “choice” following can be acheived very effectively. This is how Beginner Blogger expanded his targeted Twitter audience, through the use of Buzzom.

“Once I found a great phrase that generates a lot of good tweeters I used a twitter service called Buzzom. Buzzom allows you to search a keyword or phrase and add the last 50 people that used that keyword/phrase with the click of a button!”

via How I Got 1000 TARGETED Twitter Followers In 30 Days | Beginner Blogger.


Here’s a tip I blogged about in last month. With TweetSmarter we can automatically generate a custom retweet link.


This comes in handy because it makes it very easy for your followers to retweet you by simply clicking the link. After all, they might need you to give them an extra little nudge, just as a reminder. According to the real-time statistics from @twitstat a good number of folks continue to tweet from the web, and those that do, need all the retweet help they can get.

An extra step is to take the link and your retweet link and shrink them down in to links in HootSuite. Remember, we are using HoostSuite to schedule our tweet for Wednesday anyway so we might as well take advantage of the neat tracking stats HootSuite will provide.

A more complete picture of the traffic generated by our link will be found by searching on Topsy. Enter the link into Topsy and see how many retweets were received. Take things a step further, and click on the tweet number to see the list of everyone who clicked the link. Sounds like we are really getting close to tweet perfection now, don’t you agree?

Content Rules

I left something off the list that I wanted to save until the end. A high-quality tweet must provide good value for your followers. Since everyone in Twitterville loves to talk about tweeting and retweeting, this post is chock full of goodies that should measure up to everyone’s standards. But remember, we are in this together and I am counting on your contribution to help make this post even better. Comments from you, including your favorite Twitter tips and tools will help promote this post link to “Perfect Tweet” heaven.

Check Your Inbox

One final step, check your inbox. It should be flooded with new follower notices, pouring in from Twitter.


UPDATE: Here is the tweet that went out at 3:50pm, est Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Post: Searching for the perfect tweet –Pls. Retweet>

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23 responses to “Searching For The Perfect Tweet

  1. Nice post Ileane 🙂

    The twitter chart is interesting. I’m really quite surprised that Tuesday is a very slow day for RTs. Sunday obviously – it’s the day of rest 😉 but Tuesday, quite strange perhaps that’s the day people are thinking of great tweets to say.

    Dan’s blog is really interesting, thanks for sharing!

    Keep up the great work Ileane, you’re really opening me up to new social media ways 🙂

    • Hi Sarge,

      Thanks for stopping by, nice to see you here.

      I think the chart is pretty interesting also. Dan Zarrella has plenty of data available on his site.

      I’ll talk to you soon.

  2. theurbanflux

    Ms Ileane, as always thanks a bunch for sharing valued information.

    Peace be with you, Rob

    • Rob,

      I hope you can make use of some of the resources you find here to help build your following on Twitter. Thanks for commenting.

  3. hi ms ileane. im pretty new with this. i would like to seek your advice on how to attract traffic to my blog. I actually need it pretty urgently. Especially for those who are interested in cosmetics or beauty whitening products. Is there any way where i can like do a short cut on how to attract my target audience to my site?

    thanks ms ileane.

    • Hi Stephanie,
      I recommend that you follow these blogs to help get you started:
      You will find very useful tips to help you with developing good content, writing attractive posts, using social media to target your audience and other creative ways to build traffic for your blog.

      Also take a look at the resources and articles that are bookmarked on the Diigo Users group page to help you understand how to use to your best advantage. You can find the link on my page Diigo Group:
      Thanks for stopping by and best wishes on gaining traffic to your blog.

      • hi ileane, thanks for the quick response.. yup.. I’ll be trying all ur advices. though just by trying the first link, it immediately helped me to attract a few readers. It was pretty much effective.. still looking forward to hit a big number though. by the way, do u have any idea as to what is the average number of hits should i make in a day maybe? or a month? i really don’t have any figures in mind..

  4. Wow! Overwhelming. You’re a great teacher.

  5. It’s my pleasure to know you feel that way. Thank you for that comment, you made my day! If you need any help honing your tweets, let me know.

  6. I’ve been researching what is the best time for me to post my blog links on twitter and I found this nice little StumbleUpon service called

    It’s basically just a SU-powered URL shortener but it gives you statistics and then with those stats it calculates which times of day (or night) you had the most clicks.

    Great post ileane! It really motivated me so start figuring out how to fine tune my Tweets! Also, this retweet link thing from Tweet Smarter is something to look into.

  7. Hey Gordon,
    It’s good to hear that I motivated you. That’s why I’m here. You’re inspiring me too. I have to give StumbleUpon another chance. I didn’t see much value in it, but now that they have made some changes I have to re-evaluate my stance.

    Here is a great article on StumbleUpon that you might find interesting

    Thanks for the support and I’ll see you in Twitterville (and on the wb forums)!

  8. Ileane, this is really cool. You sound like a Twitter engineer, laying a track from Plan to Platform, with no distractions on the route.

    I was a little confused about the TweetSmarter, thinking it was something that readers would click from your blog post (like those “Tweet This” buttons).

    Fortunately, your second link took me to your other blog where I watched the video, so now I’m straight 🙂

    Thanks for sharing this tidbit!



  9. Mitch,

    I am humbled and honored to have you say such nice things about me. I’ve checked out some of your work and I am in awe. It will take me some time to grasp how well versed you are in your craft, so I’m starting with the 140 character wisdom nuggets in your tweet stream.

    Thank you for visiting and please come back again soon.

  10. Hey Ileane, great tips! I tweeted your blog post as well and will share it with my FriendFeed friends. Keep up the good work.

  11. Hey there LaTease,

    Thanks for the tweet and for all of the votes and community luv over at! I will be visiting your site soon.

  12. Wow. This is my first visit to your website and I am amazed to see the quality of the content. I came to know about you via blogengage. Thank you for the information.

    • Hi Ricky,

      BlogEngage is a wonderful community of bloggers. I enjoy many of the blogs that I find there also. Thank you for visiting and I hope to see you again soon. Do you have a Twitter account?

  13. Thank you, this helped a lot! Topsy also shows all of your tweeted/retweeted articles so you know how valuable/relevant your info is to others. Beginner Blogger is great as well!

    Well done!

  14. Hey Sabrina,
    As always thanks for your comments. I think you might want to check out the forum too. It is a great way to get your exposure for your blog and expand your knowledge. If you decide to join, let me know so that I can vote for your submissions.

    See you in Twitterville.

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