A Growing List of Top Google Buzz Tips

[tweetmeme source=”ileane”]

Follow Buzz Charts

Once you realize that there is life beyond social networking on Twitter you’ll want toBlog Engage Vote Button explore Google Buzz. This is a list of tips that I started but has been contributed to by members of the Buzz community.  I’ll expand this post with any significant Buzz tips that you have. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD SOMETHING PLEASE LEAVE YOUR SUGGESTED TIP ON BUZZ at:

Essential Tips for Google Buzz newcomers!

  1. Learn how to mute a post! if you don’t every time there’s a new comment it pops back to the top of your stream
  2. Don’t send your Tweets to Buzz!! Buzzers ignore tweets. If we want to see Tweets we open HootSuite (I mean Twitter)
  3. Like posts and leave comments directly on Buzz – unless you don’t really want to meet anyone new….
  4. You can have a conversation on Buzz. I mean a real honest to goodness conversation – not a conversation that gets cut off!
  5. Don’t forget to leave comments on the blog, too, if the Buzz is about a blog post – via @Holly Jahangiri
  6. You can track your Buzz posts AND comments by using this search formula via@Julian Bond
  7. At the top of the Buzz frame you will see Web Clips “they grab stories from a default set of feeds. Under “Settings”, the “Web Clips” tab lets you control what feeds they read from, or turn them off entirely” via @Josh Wills
  8. This tip comes from@Steve Pirk “We call it @’ing or summoning. To make a person a link, Enter this without the spaces – @ gmail-username @gmail.com . This creates a reference to the user and the message goes to gmail inbox.” For example if you want to “summon” me you would type @msileane@gmail.com
  9. If you want people to comment on your Buzz posts, first you have to comment and interact with other user’s Buzzes. via @Robert Sanchez Jr
  10. Search Gooogle profiles to find interesting Buzzers with this link http://www.google.com/profiles?q= via @Joe DeGroff
  11. Customized Buzz charts track individual Buzz usage stats and they are provided by developer @Siegfried Hirsch
  12. You can have a private conversation in Buzz, I saw these instructions posted by @Rob Gordon but he got them from @Steve Pirk
  13. Update your Google Profile with your Profile URL. You can find this at the bottom of the edit profile screen via @Andrew Maxwell
  14. TaggingBuzz is a Chrome extension (see video below) that allows you create Buzz tags and search for them later via @Nori Hamamoto

Verified Name Banner for Google ProfileFor advanced users, Steve Pirk shared a bonus tip for adding VERIFIED NAME to your Google profile. Currently VERIFIED NAME is available for US based users and Steve gives credit for this tip to @LindaLawrey.

Leave a comment and let me know if you find these Buzz tips are helpful. Remember if you have Buzz tips add them on Buzz.

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43 responses to “A Growing List of Top Google Buzz Tips

  1. I really do not use Google Buzz. I just have issues with Google’s products and how they have issues of not being able to smoothly integrate things as easily. I do not mind submitting and I offer it to my visitors.

    BTW –
    Might have to invite you to Guest Blog at either or both Blondish.net and WPAddict.net sometime if you are interested.

    • Hi Nile. I was very resistant to join in at Buzz in the beginning but here’s a list of things that changed my mindset:
      #1. Reading content without distracting ads or sidebars
      #2. Finding new and interesting people to engage with
      #3. Having a conversation without a 140 character limit
      #4. Having conversations with some “A-list bloggers” and other hi-tech social media moguls that don’t even notice you on Twitter, Facebook or in the comment sections of their blogs.
      #5. Increased blog traffic

      Reason #1 might cause some to avoid Buzz but if that ever changes these tips will be here to refer back to.

      Thanks for the guest post invitation Nile. I’ll be in touch when time permits.

  2. You must have been reading my mind – I like the idea of buzzing, but I really didn’t know what the outcome would be or how to interact or whatever.
    This is definitely helpful information.

  3. Thanks for the tips, Ileane. Can you please tell me, can tou track visitors in your blog that come from Google Buzz? or does the traffic source shows “Google”?

    • Omer, this is a great question and this is what I’ve found so far. I posted a screenshot for you showing referrers to this blog for the last 2 days http://post.ly/cMkd I’ve highlighted 4 specific links that are sending traffic here including one coming directly from my Google Profile. However it seems that WordPress.com does a better job of showing Buzz traffic sources that Google Analytics is doing. When I check my stats from my other blogs, I see “google.com” as a referring site but it doesn’t give me the exact url. The bottom line is that I don’t think you can segregate Buzz traffic in Google Analytics. Let me know what you’re seeing on your stats.

  4. I signed up a while ago but I haven’t really had a chance to look over it and give it go. I think I have an overload of social media and think that I wouldn’t know what to do with Buzz. Is it work my time?

    • Hi Gerri, give some of these tips a try and let me know how you make out. Follow me on Google Buzz and I’ll follow you. Thanks.

  5. Hey Ileane,
    Great Post.:)
    Though I don’t use Buzz even though I have a Google mail account but i have buzz button on my blog.
    Now i think i should give a try to buzz.. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing this great Post.

  6. Great post thanks. I like the way you write

  7. I thought Google Buzz sucked. I disabled it in a few days. But I guess it is useful to some people.

    • Your success on Buzz is totally dependent on who you are following and how much you interact. You can just feed your Tweets or Google Reader shares and expect to have fun and meet new users. Here’s to your success!

  8. Very informative and useful post, Ileane, thanks!

    The Old Silly

  9. Pingback: Tweets that mention A Growing List of Top Google Buzz Tips « Ms. Ileane Speaks -- Topsy.com

  10. I have never hearded og google buzz, thank you fore explaining what it is and how to use it so well.

  11. I too am guilty of not exploring Google Buzz and spending my social media time on the island of Twitter. After reading these tips I am tempted to go take a look. I would love to see some ideas on how Google Buzz can help to grow an internet business – for the uninitiated like me.

    • Hi Neena,

      It’s like any social media. The important thing is to learn how to use the network first. Since there is no FAQ page like there is for some other social networks I thought the first step would be to offer some general usage tips. Once you get started, do some Buzz searches (the Buzz search box is right above your Buzz) and find out how is talking about what you’re interested in.

      Please jump in and take one tip at a time, in a couple of days you’ll be blogging about the benefits of Buzz too!

      Keep me posted.

  12. I have began using G Buzz more often and have not seen this before. Sorry for the delay, but better late than never. Thanks for these tips. Echo bound

    • DiTesco, I’m sure that you will find many like-minded people on Buzz. I’ve met a lot of designers, webmasters, photographers and even a few bloggers. Great place to hang out. Thanks for helping spread the word.

  13. Pingback: Weekly Roundup #4: Link Love to Blogging Friends | Make Money Online

  14. All tips you have mentioned are awesome.Tips number 7 is really helpful for me.

  15. Great list of tips, Ileane.
    I’ve got some catching up to do. 🙂
    This is a great way for everyone to contribute to the post.

    • Hi Jimi, the latest development is that Robert Scoble asked for recommendations of people to follow and a few users mentioned me, so now he’s following me take a look: http://post.ly/f4cL So send me some good stuff to post! 🙂

  16. I strongly agree with your second suggestion, Ileane. Its really irratating to see flood of tweets on Buzz. I wish if everybody is able to understand the value of tool and use it to improve communication.

  17. Pingback: I'm a fan of Google Buzz | Blogs |

  18. Here’s the thing… I finally turned Buzz off completely because I don’t have time to try to track the same conversation in three different places. If Google wanted to make Buzz relevant, they should have made it more like a super RSS feed that would install the comments in the media’s native source (Blogger, WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, etc), and displayed it in Buzz as well. That way I can interact in either location without worrying about losing track of the conversation. As it is, it was making the already disjointed conversation more muddled and confused.

    I opted out.

    • Hi James. For those that find duplication and overlap on various social streams, Buzz probably doesn’t work. That’s why it’s real important for me not to share my tweets and not to simply import all of my Twitter contacts into Buzz. Social networks can be more beneficial when the content shared and the people you’re sharing with are different as well. Thanks for commenting here.

  19. Hm. Seems interesting. When Google launched it it just seemed like a bit of an annoyance, but you seem to find a lot of practical value in it. I’ll give it a try. Thanks!

  20. Pingback: Buzz Besties – BuzzerList, Bit.ly Quick Tip, Blogger Bon Voyage « Ms. Ileane Speaks

  21. Pingback: Share YouTube to Google Buzz | The Podcast Blog

  22. Pingback: Top 5 Social Media Extensions for Chrome « Ms. Ileane Speaks

  23. Pingback: Share YouTube to Google Buzz | Basic Blog Tips

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